What is Alpha?
Have you ever found yourself wondering, "Life: What's it all about?" Alpha tackles these questions in a friendly, open and honest environment.
Each week participants enjoy a meal together and then explore a different "big question" about life by watching a 20 minute video, discussing it in small groups and listening respectfully to different perspectives. Food, fun and fellowship – these are the Alpha core values and there’s no cost to participants!
Corpus Christi will host an in-person Parent Alpha on Tuesdays, April 8 - June 24, 2025 from 9:15-10:45am at the Parish Centre. Note: Tuesday, May 27, 2025 will run from 9:15-2pm.
Come and try out the first few sessions to see if it’s for you. We are very excited to continue this dynamic program this spring and we would be delighted for you to join us!